Date (Qaiyorean)
Date (Elyrian)
1305 |
2725 |
The Asagmari arrive on the Razanian
coast and quickly overrun a large expanse, displacing native Razanians,
to form their new land of Aryisa |
1350 |
2770 |
The Mir Sorcerers discover the
existance of the Vraa'al on the Isle of Arelcar - descendants of the Dark
Elf assassins used during the former Mir Empire. |
Ships from Celpalar begin appearing
in Midsea. Trade hesitantly resumes.
Strange mystical happenings
are taking place in The Dreaming. The sorcerers of Mir are unable to control
the forces and the gateway is opened from the inside once more. A wave
of refugees leaves The Dreaming. Calling themselves the Saraa, they refuse
to explain their appearance to the bewildered sorcerors, and quickly leave
Mir to journey to the north-west and their new home in the shadowlands.
- Aryisa: the
Crusaders promote the formation of a Grand Council
- The Bel'Adne:
the Melcuranin of Tanat secretly investigate the mountains
- Celpalar:
the rebuilding of the port at Areneth begins
- The Eerith:
the Seekers find a new avenue of investigation
- The Ka'Shari:
The Night Light clan investigate northern Midsea
- Taltheran:
Saltrim becomes the site of a proposed new port
- Videssia:
the cult of Agatius Fossern is discovered to be a plot to overthrow
the republic
1405 |
2825 |
- Aixelsydan: Disasterous
floods cause havoc in the coastal areas, killing thousands
- Aryisa: The Crusaders strengthen
their grip on the Grand Council
- Celpalar: Areneth is rebuilt
better than ever. The northwest expedition continues...
- The Eerith: The Seekers infiltrate
Myr Kun & the Defenders imprison Sorcerers.
- The Ka'Shari: A temporary
colony is made on Celtalath island
- The Saraa: The Quorum sends
knowledge-gaining missions to Myr-Kun and Mirabalpur
- Taltheran: The Wizards
investigate Wyr and a trade agreement is reached with Hadrair
- Videssia: The Orasareni
Defence Alliance is formed
- Vraa'al: The High Lord summons
an Eerith.....
1406 |
2826 |
- Aixelsydan: The
coastal settlements are slowly rebuilt.
- Aryisa: A strong barricade
is built to protect the northern border against Razanian raiders.
- Cedonia: Imperial armies
reconquer the western Imperial province and the counties of Selaria
and Vizinia
- Celpalar: An excavation
of the ruins of the original University of Areneth begins
- The Eerith: The Eerith attend
the secret gathering in Mir by hiding in the bodies of official delegates.
- The Ka'Shari: The Celtalath
colony is made more permanent with the creation of an 'anthill' housing
project by the harbour
- Mir: The sorcerers hold a
gathering in Mirabalpur
- The Saraa: Haydn-Na is sent
to the secret gathering in Mir
- Taltheran: The expedition
reaches Myr Kun while the Guild try to bolster foreign conceptions of
- The Tana: Dragontowers are
beginning to appear in the border reaches...
- Videssia: A great swathe
of forestland is conquered, up to the Imbros River.
- Vraa'al: The delegation sent
to Damaris is attacked by warships as it nears the port city of Orasaren
1407 |
2827 |
- Aixelsydan: A competition
to find a new Admiral of the fleet is held
- The Amo'trall: The Bear
clan encounter the Onagir and begin dialogue
- Aryisa: the Asagmari occupy
southern Tesh & most of Cantor
- Ban Horroth: The scouts
successfully bring back information on the surrounding peoples
- Celpalar: A visit to the
city of Wyr, to the west of Taltheran, goes awry
- Parglug: The fleet raids
the west Videssian coastal settlements
- The Saraa: The
Sayyadin gathers his people and proposes a new age of discovery
- Taltheran: the new port
at Saltrim is completed
- The Tana: The exercise to increase
the size of the navy is well under way
- Videssia: The fortification
of the city of Videss is completed
- Vraa'al: The fleet successfully
raze the harbour of the Orasareni city of Damaris
- Other: There are stirrings in the
Calarnar desert. The Orasareni Defence Alliance meets in Videssia.
1408 |
2828 |
- Aixelsydan: An embassy
is established in Aryisa
- The Amo'trall: The Willows
create a zone of sanctuary south of Videssia to protect the forest
- Aryisa: The Crusaders become
the ruling power
- Celpalar: The expedition
to northwest Qaiyore finally ends
- Hria: The Sangha plan an expedition
to the northern isles
- Parglug: Laslo fails to
remove power from the clan leaders
- The Razanians: The Century
Council expands to cover all native-Razanian territories
- The Saraa: establish ties
with a number of societies
- The Shanari: Hisinvol becomes
- Taltheran: Tirmarin refugees
are allowed to settle in the Saltrim area
- Tanimbar: Queen Helga helps
the Vizinians settle in the Athelari lands of northern Tanimbar
- Videssia: The building
of a new Videssian navy continues
- Other: Anaduan loses control of
Anecir to Cormenaera
1409 |
2829 |
- Aixelsydan: Naval build-up
- The Amo'trall: The White
Tribe discover a new source of food
- Aryisa: Duke Iyan strengthens
his hold on the nation
- Celpalar: An expedition
sets out to the Avaerean Isles
- Cormenaera: The free
companies of the Cormenaeran countryside are exterminated
- Hria: Sangha popularity grows
as a successful scheme for improving roads and sanitation is initiated
- Parglug: The shipbuilding
exercise continues
- The Saraa: Research
into new technologies continues
- The Shanari:
The city of Sarnabar is captured from the Bel'Adne
- Taltheran: Taltherani
guards occupy northern and central Tirmar. The Tirmarin swear fealty
to Agrigax.
- The Tana: Southeastern Rhudyn
comes under the sway of the Tana
- Tanimbar: A professional
Masari guard is created
- Videssia: The harbour of
Videss is devastated by a night-time attack, destroying all newly built
- Other: Cedonia incorporates southern
Tirmar into The Empire
1410 |
2830 |
- Aixelsydan: The Aixelsydan
invade the Rhudyn colonies.
- Amo'Trall: The Amo'Trall
attack southern Videssia.
- Aryisa: The Aryisans gain complete
control of the conqered territory.
- Parglug: They continue their
ship building project.
- The Shanari:The city of Lachel falls to them.
- Taltheran:The develop more trade routes and learn more of the peoples to the Northwest.
- The Tana:Gains control of the north bank of the Imbros River.
- Videssia:The army is drive out of Parglug
1411 |
2831 |
- Aixelsydan: They control
half of the terriotry that Rhudyn controlled.
- Amo'Trall: The Amo'Trall
start a plague that spreads north towards Videssia.
- Celpalar: Exspedtion ends in failure.
- Cormenaera: Aid is sent
to both Videssia and Rhydun.
- Hria: The Hria begin to settle
the Northern Isles.
- Parglug: The army harasses
the Videssian Army.
- The Shanari:The Seeresses bring some of the people of Bel'Ande unto Sin-Alb.
- Videssia:The Amo'trall are driven back by the Army.
1412 |
2832 |
- Aixelsydan: The Aixelsyban
creat the Earthen Veil.
- Cormenaera: Begins to build a new navy
- Hria: The settlement continues.
- Milakanur:The army discovers a more effective way to fight Shanari.
- Mir: A new Archmage and Council
of Twelve are elected, and a they recive a prophesy from the Oracle.
- The Shanari:The Sinari follow Annaeyana to Myr-Kun.
1413 |
2833 |
- Aixelsydan: The Aixelsydan start creating channels in the straight.
- Amo'Trall: The plague dies
out among the Amo'Trall
- East Torphan: The Ophier
makes a treaty with Mir.
- The Eerith: The Eerith sign a treaty with Mir.
- Mir: The Sorcerers of Mir hold
another Meeting of Nations in Mirabalpur and sign an treaty with the
- Parglug: The Navy blockades
- The Shanari:The City of Myr-Kun falls to the Sinari.
- Taltheran: The King send his armies and destoyes the Kaeiren pirates.
1414 |
2834 |
- Aixelsydan: The Aixelsyban
start creating chanles in the straight.
- Cedonia: Cedonains create
cause in Zelkor.
- East Torphan: The Ophier
meets with Parglug and makes peace.
- The Eerith: The remaning Onagir are found.
- Milakanur:Their is a challeger to the new Per-Aa.
- Mir: The Sorcerers attempt to
release the Eerith failes but Mir reopens the old gateway to the dreaming.
- Parglug: They contiune their
- Razanians: The Razainans
go on the offensive.
- The Shanari:They destory the city of Myr-Kun and then wait for the Annaeyana to lead them.
- Taltheran:They open new trade routes to the south.
- Torphan:The first ever relations are created. he Armies begin to drive out the goblins.
1415 |
2835 |
- Cedonia: Cedonia retakes
the Impreial city of Zelkor.
- East Torphan: King Villard
sends an army to help Tanimbar fight the Cedonians.
- The Eerith: The Refuges of Myr-Kun are lead to safty
- Hria: Famine in the Northwest Islands colonies.
- Milakanur:Sharifu is crowned Per-Aa.
- Mir: The Sorcerers of Myr-Kun
rejoin with Mir. The Sorcerers attack the Traitor but the results are
- Razanians: The Razianan
invaded Ayrisa.
- The Shanari:Hisinvol is killed. The Seeresses looses one of their numbers to Mir.
- Torphan:They contiune to drive out the Goblins, and they assasinat the Sinari leader.
1416 |
2836 |
- Aryisa: The Aryisanc stop
the Razianan advancment.
- Celpalar:Signs a treaty with L'R
- The Eerith: The Golden Mirror is recovered.
- Hria: The Famine contiunes in the Northwest Island Colonies.
- Laria'rathi:A treaty is signed with Celpalar.
- Milakanur:The Per-Aa chooses bad advisors creating disfavor with his people.
- Mir: The Sorcerers and the Eerith
steal back the Golden Mirror.
- Razanians: The Razianans
destroy the Timber Viel.
- Torphan:Another year driving out the Goblins.
1417 |
2837 |
- Aixelsydan: A border
incedent with the Ban Horroth.
- Aryisa: The Regent Returns.
- Celpalar:Starts to settle other Islands.
- East Torphan:A daughter is born to King Villard.
- The Eerith:The Eerith begin to help train Mirish Warmages.
- Laria'rathi:Begin settling new colonies
- Milakanur: Try to improve trade with Taltheran
- Mir: The Sorcerers agree to
join with the Cedonians against the Shanari. The Sorcerers finish their
search of the Dreaming and bring the Fae to their side.
- Morvali: The Wandering Shamans start to reconvert the people.
- Razanians:Drives the Aryisan army across the Razan River.
- The Shanari:The Sinari march south and destroy Sarunor.
- Torphan:Another year driving out the Goblins, and Sorcerers are sent to join Mir against the Sinari.
1418 |
2838 |
- Aryisa: The war contiunes.
- Bel'Adne: The riots restart as the government tries to stop the new religon.
- Cedonia:Cedonia joins with Mir against the Sinari Invasion.
- Celpalar:Sent aid to Mir.
- The Eerith:The Eerith withdraw from Mir to deal with internal problems.
- Laria'rathi:Fortify new colonies
- Mir: The Sorcerer prepare for war as the content declares war on the Sianri.
- Morvali: The Wandering Shamans are stoped in there recoversion.
- The Saraa: One of the great Scholars died natural. Leaving two prospective scholars in his place.
- Razanians:The war contiunes.
- The Shanari:The City of Wyr falls.
- Torphan:The Golbins have been driven back to there homeland.
- Vraa'al: The Old High Lord dies and a new High Lord replaces him
1419 |
2839 |
- Cedonia:The joined army moves north and settles on the Taltherain Border.
- East Torphan:Send aid to Pralug, Military to Mir and Tanimbar.
- The Eerith:The year is spent with the Eerith deviding up into groups.
- Laria'rathi:Finish the Colony project.
- Mir: The Army is moved and the Mirish Military is improved.
- Razanians:The Razanian Army controls most of Northern Aryisa.
- The Shanari:The City of Hadrair.
- The Tana: Try to stop the Plague and instead catch it.
- Tanimbar: Prepare against Cedonia.
- Vraa'al: Contiune to look for champions.
1420 |
2840 |
- Ban Horroth:The begin several projects.
- Cedonia:Battles the Sinari
- Celpalar: Sends an Army around the back side of the Sinari.
- East Torphan:Countiunes her projects.
- The Eerith:The Eerith help Mir find the Scepter.
- The Hansari: An earthquake hits the region destoying many of the villigaes of the Hansari.
- Laria'rathi:Nightmares start on Stone Island.
- Milakanur: They begin to improve the port at Elanbur.
- Mir: The Scepter is found.
- Parglug: Pitares begin to emerg off the coast.
- Razanians:The tide is turned this year as Razanian army is pushed back.
- The Shanari:Resive visions. They also attack the United Army.
- The Therani:Prepare for war.
- Torphan:Continue to Fortify the pass.
- Vraa'al: Infiltrate Cedonia.