Society Name: Milakanur
Action I: Awaken Sharifu's spirit-self
Tactical action, internal
Actor: The Master Necrologist
Primary Determinant: Essence Magic Sophistication
Difficulty: Normal (the task itself is commonly performed)
Reaction: Risky (normally this is not done until age 35)
Secrecy: None, in or out of game
+ Done by the Master Necrologist himself
With the challenge to Sharifu's authority, it is necessary to awaken
Sharifu's spirit-self so that the two candidates can be fairly evaluated.
Awakening is done for all Milakanuri nobles (and some non-nobles), so it's a well-
understood process.
However, the traditional age of Awakening is 35. This is done to allow
the spirit to develop naturally in its current body before the weight of
the past is placed upon it. Awakening is rarely done before 35, but
this does not make the task harder.
The Master Necrologist Azeem will perform the Awakening himself.
-- The Awakening fails, and something terrible happens (Sharifu is
revealed to be illegitimate, a villain, or goes insane)
0 The Awakening reveals that Sharifu's past lives were unremarkable
+ The Awakening reveals properly impressive past lives
++ The Awakening reveals an epic past life
Result: +1 +1 + (-1 +1 +1 +1)= +3 Superior Success
Suggestion: Sharifu is revealed to be be the true heir...
Action II,III,IV: (Triple Action) Resolve the succession Tactical Action, internal
Actor: The Master Necrologist
Primary Determinant: Cultural orientation (traditional)
Difficulty: Hard, perhaps Very Hard
Reaction: Heroic (This hasn't happened in a loooong time)
Secrecy: None
- Uncertainty about Shanari
- Youth of Sharifu
+ Power holders want _a_ solution, and don't care as much who wins
-- Disaster. The refused party avoids death, and has considerable
popular support. Civil war seems likely.
- The refused party is put to death, but popular support was for the
other candidate. The new Per-Aa's consent is decreased.
The refused candidate escapes death, but has little popular support.
There will be problems, but no war.
0 Mixed results: The refused candidate is slain, but the populace is
sharply divided over the wisdom of the Master Necrologist's choice.
+ The choice is made, the refused candidate is slain, and the choice
has popular support.
++ (Assuming action I went well) - Khaatil's claim is proven false,
and he is burned ignominiously. Sharifu's claim to the throne is
cemented and perhaps even strengthened.
(My opinion is that Action 1 should determine whether or not Sharifu or Khaatil is picked by the Master Necrologist. If results are mixed, the GM or I can flip a coin or something.)
Result: -2 +2 -1 + (+1 0 -1 0)= -1 Failure
Suggestion: Khaatil was but to death but he had the suport of populas. The current ruler is excepted but his consent is a -1.