Society Name: The Eerith
Action 1:
Attend Meeting of Nations held by the Mir. Despite concerns that the
invitation is almost certainly a trap, given the history of the two
societies, it is unthinkable that the Eerith would not respond to the
invitation. The Eerith goal, however, is not simply to attend. They also
seek to turn this meeting to their advantage, playing off the current
weakness of the Mir (re: last Meeting of Nations) to increase their
standing with the other attendees. If during the course of the meeting,
the Mir falter or no clear leadership appears from among the attendees,
the Eerith are fully prepared to take initiative and drive the course of
the meeting toward their own best interests. Fearing the Meeting is
indeed a trap, the Eerith attending the meeting are prepared to respond
to any potential threat with immediate force and will warn the Mir upon
arrival that any dweomer-craft will be considered an attack and will
respond in kind. I would like to use this action to attend and reserve
action 4 of 1413 to deal with any political or military complications
which may arise during the course of the meeting.
Type: External/Diplomatic
Actors: One Searcher (primary actor), Two Defenders (muscle in case of
Weight: Single
Secrecy: None (Blatant, the Eerith want the other invitees to know that
they will be attending)
Determinant: External Politics-Mir (Miserable –4)
Task: Normal (for attendance, action 4 is reserved for other actions) (0)
Modifiers: + This is the first open acknowledgement of the Eerith as a
free, independent people
+ The Mir are currently vulnerable politically as a
result of their previous actions
= The mixture of Searcher and Defenders should
balance each other and prevent extreme reactions.
- The Eerith are overly paranoid that this may be a
trap and will be prone to over-reaction.
the Eerith have used previously when dealing with other races (full body tatoos, etc.) opting for blue as the eye color. The defenders, opting for intimidation, will not disguise their appearance and will flank the Searcher as two pillars of living flame at his shoulders.
Result: -4 +2 -1 + (+1 0 +1 +1)= 0 Mixed Result
Suggestion: Though the Eerith are admitted into the meeting, many of the attending nations believe the misinformation spread by Mir at the first meeting.
Action 2:
Fearing the extinction of the Onagir and the permanent loss of knowledge,
a small group of Searchers will defy the general consensus of
the Eerith and attempt to contact these people and learn of their
Type: External/Diplomatic
Actors: Four Searchers
Weight: Single
Secrecy: None
Determinant: External Politics (average tolerance)
Task: Hard (-1)
Modifiers: - The Searchers are acting as a "rouge element" and have no
- The Eerith are notoriously "jinxed" at external
politics and have no real knowledge or success in this type of endevour.
- Very few actors for the scope of the task
+ This is something that the Searchers feel is
something that they MUST do. The possible permanent loss of knowledge is
in direct violation of who and what they are.
The Searchers will assume the same form as the Eerith have used previously when dealing with other races (full body tatoos, etc.) but keeping all coloration to a mixture of low, muted tones (they have enough problems without frightening people or crossing some ancient color-based societal taboo).
Result:-1 -3 +1 (+1 -1-1 0)= -4 Severe Failure
Suggestion: The Searchers are unable to even locate the remaining Onagir.
Action 3:
Feeling responsibility for the riots within Myr-Kun, groups of Eerith
begin to assist the populace of the city (philisophical orientation:
primary orientation aspect: prevent chaos). Having no craft to speak of,
they rely on their magic, performing small activities in secret
(replenishing food supplies, shoring up failing structures, speeding the
healing of the wounded). When necessary, they take non-descript human
forms. These acts of assistance are to the human populace of the city,
not the government.
Type: External/Assistance
Actors: Twenty Eerith of all types
Weight: Single
Secrecy: As much as possible. If the polulace knew of this activity, the
backlash would be worse than the initial riots.
Determinant: Magic Sophistication: Mythic (+5)
Task: Epic (-4, it will be insanely difficult for the Eerith to make an
impact on the condition of the city)
Modifiers: - Intense secrecy (above and beyond normal penaties)
- The Eerith are largely ignorant of the physical needs of humanity
Result: +5 -4 -2 + (+1 +1 -1 +1)= +1 Success
Suggestion: The Eerith manage to make conditions slightly better. However, this is not enough to stem the riots, especially as word of an invading horde from the desert reaches the city.
Action 4:
Negotiate the Treaty of Anneayena detailing the conditions of the release
of the Eerith by the Mir.
Type: External/Diplomatic
Actors: Same as action 1: One Searcher (primary actor), Two Defenders
(muscle in case of trouble)
Weight: Single
Secrecy: None
Determinant: External Politics-Mir (Miserable –4)
Task: Normal (it will probably be harder for the players to negotiate
this than the races, the tentative offer currently under discussion has
no real downside for the Eerith) (0)
Modifiers: + The Eerith want release and the Mir require no outstanding
concesions from them (other than don't kill us and fight
that guy you were going to fight anyway)
+ The Mir are currently vulnerable politically as a
result of their previous actions and the Mir initiated this discussion
+ The Mir also want the treaty
+ The mixture of Searcher and Defenders should
balance each other and prevent extreme reactions and extreme naivete.
- The Eerith are overly paranoid that this may be a
trap and will be prone to over-reaction.
+ The previous actions by Eerith and Mir have been
leading up to this point (Council of Nations, et al)
+ Both sides are desperate for this to resolve
Results: -4 +5 + (0 +1 -1 -1)= 0 Mixed Results
Suggestion: A treaty is agreeded to, but elements on both sides are discontented about thepeace with their ancient enemies.