Society Name: Hria
Action 1: External/Strategic (2 of 3)
As the famous 'black ships' of the Marapai Sea continue to chart their way throughout the Northern Isles, the settlements of the Hria spread from the mainland. At first the establish themselves on uninhabited islands and peninsulars, extracting what resources they can. In time, the establish farming and mining colonies, encouraging those who wish to, to settle in the new lands. Resources are also used to examine the volcanic island that contains the sacred images of J'ryl. Those natives that show hostility are avoided as best as possible. Those who are more amiable to the Hria benefit with lucrative trade in resources, though in keeping Hri traditions, nothing that can cause harm. In addition to trade, some education of the Ways of J'ryl is passed on to the locals, though not in any way that could be seen as suplanting local religion, but rather adding to it.
Attempt to establish colonies on the Northern Isles. If there are settled areas, establish trade links with native groups. Make offers to Hria to migrate, and offer attractive incentives like large tracts of land and trade routes.
Primary determinant: Resources (people) - Good (+1)
Actor: Sangha
Weight: Double
Secrecy: Nil
Task: Hard
Mods: ++ Extraordinary success in exploration
Result so far: -1 +1 +2 + (-1 -1 +1 +1) + (0 -1 +1 0 ) + ( )
Suggestion: The colonization begins.
Action 2: External/Tactical
Despite last year's failed attempt at diplomatic relations, the Sangha once again sends representatives to all allied powers in hopes of forming ties for the benefits of trade and information exchange. Whilst Myr-Kun has been rather oblique of late, the Celpali and Taltheran are interesting nations with which to allign oneself.
Attempt to establish embassies with various trading partners. If not able, continue trade.
Primary determinant: External Relations - Fair 0
Actor: Sangha
Weight: Single
Secrecy: Nil
Task: Not Nortmal, but hardly Hard
Results:0 + (+1 -1 -1 +1)= 0 Mixed Results
Suggestion: Embassies are established with several of Hria's trading partners.
Action 3: External/Tactical
'For the Chosen of J'ryl to prosper is the reason for the Maripai's beating waves and frsh winds' -Jaufir, 1411
Continue trade with known clients
Primary determinant: Trade - Fair 0
Actor: Merchants
Weight: Single
Secrecy: Nil
Task: Normal. Business as usual
Result: 0 + (+1 0 +1 +1) = +3 Superior Success
Suggestion: Trade continues and several new markets are opened.