Society Name: Vraa'al
Previous year High Lord passed away, and his great grandson was instaled in the High Lord position.
Action 1: Increase the new High Lords consent.
The High Lord tries to improve relations between the High Lord and the people. He
will start a year set of games to be dedicated to the Arts, Magic and fighting.
Primary determinant: Consent (0)
Actor: High Lord
Weight: single
Difficulty: hard -1
Modifers:+ He's is of their generation
+ Introduction of the Fesitivail.
- New ruler
Results 0 -1 +2 -1 (+1 0 +1 0 ) = +2 Success
Suggestion: The games start successfully. The High Lord Consent has a plus one for the next three years. It will take a higher success to moake it perminent.
Action II Gathering the Champions (1 of 5)
Gather the champions from the festival to be trained as Assassins and
Primary Determinant's: Authority
Actor: High/Champion's
Difficulty: Hard-1
Secrecy: Yes
Modifiers: -1 secrecy
+already incredible fighters
Results so far: +2 -1 +1 -1 (-1 -1 -1 0) + () + () + () + ()
Suggestion: The council is howerig over the High Lords shoulder there by perventing him from doing as much as he hoped.
Action III Building under ground barracks
Building under ground barracks for the Fighters from the festival and
also build training area
Primary Determinant: resources
Actor: Craftsmen
Difficulty: Hard -1
secrecy: Yes
Modifiers: Excellent Craftsmanship +1
Results: +1 -1 +1( 0 -1 -1 +1) = 0 Mixed Results.
Suggsetion: The barracks are finished but rumor gets out about them.
Action IV Research lighter and stronger metal (1 of 8)
Primary Determinants: Craft
Actor: metallurgists
Difficulty: Very hard -2
Secrecy: no
Modifiers: +Magic
Results so far -2 +1 (+1 0 0 +1) + () + () +() + () + () + () + ()