Society Name: Parglug
Action 1 & 2 external, military
Type: Blockade the southern part of the southern sea especially Videssia and the videssian army
Actor: Adneril Krog
Weight: double
Secrecy: None
Prime Determinant: Navy Superb (+1)
Secondary Determinant: ship superb
Modifiers: Double Action
+1 on ship for 5 years due to research ontop of an already superb navy and superb
Result: +4 +2 + (-1 0 +1 0)= +6 Extraordinary Success
Suggestion: The blockade tightens. Rumors of civil war in Videssia and financial ruin in the Free Cities spread throughout Midsea.
Action 3 & 4 stratigic military (1 of 6)
Type: Using the wisdom of the clan leaders and the recent blockade action and the new ships to create a better navy increase navy one rank
Actor: clan leaders
Weight: double
Secrecy: None
Prime Determinant: navy superb
Secondary Determinant: ships superb ++1
Modifiers: double action
Result so far: +4 +2 + (-1 +1 +1 -1) + () + () + () + () + ()
Suggestion: The project begins...