Society Name: Shanari
Action 1: The seeresses venture north into the unconquered Bel'Adne territory, attempting to convert the populous.
Religious, External
TYPE: Religious Conversion
ACTOR: Alb-Shanari seeresses
SUMMARY: Convert the Bel'Adne to the new faith
WEIGHT: Single
PRIME DETERMINANT: Influence: Great (+2)
TASK: Hard
MODIFIERS: + the seeresses have demonstrable magical powers
+ the religion has spread quickly among the captured Bel'Adne
+ Annaeyana has moved from its orbit, a fact that seems to
support the seeresses claims
- the Shanari are foreigners and have invaded the country
(-) Poor Relations
Result: -1 +2 +3 -2 + (-1 +1 0 0)= +2 Complete Success
Suggestion: The new religion takes hold in Bel'Adne. Approximatly a fourth of the population converts.
Action 2: The chiefs among the Sinari gather warriors from among the converted Bel'Adne, taking those who are willing to fight for their new faith. Most importantly, converts who are veteran soldiers will help forge the Sinari warriors into a more disciplined fighting force.
Military, Internal
TYPE: Military Restructuring
ACTOR: Sinari Sanouki
SUMMARY: Gain new recruits and train the Sinari warriors
WEIGHT: Single
PRIME DETERMINANT: Influence: Great (+2)
TASK: Normal
MODIFIERS: + the fear of impending attack from northern Bel'Adne
is quite real
- the Sinari warriors are proud and may not wish to be trained
- the newly converted may not want to craft a force to fight their kinfolk
Result: 0 +2 +1 -2 + (-1 +1 -1 +1)= +1 Success
Suggestion: A secondary force is raised, consisting mainly of youths
who were dissatisfied under the old government and converts to the new
religion. Unfortunatly, few trained soldiers join the militia.
Force=Mediocre (-1)
Size= Small (-2)
Future actions can train the new recruits and increase the size.
Action 3 & 4: Having consolidated his hold upon the captured territory, Hisinvol offers an ultimatum to the rulers of northern Bel'Adne: offer homage to him and maintain their positions or he will attack.
Political, ExternalResult: -4 -2+4 -1 + (0 +1 +1 +1)= 0 Mixed Results
Suggestion: The government of Bel'Adne flatly refuses to submit to "dirty desert barbarians". However, the new converts rise in revolt, throwing the nation into chaos...