Society Name: Videssia
1. Total mobilization.
All citizens who are able to fight are raised in arms
Result: +1 +0 + (0 -1 +1 -1)= 0 Mixed Results
Suggestion: Only parts of the Republic are succesfully called to arms.
This force has
Force: Mediocre (-1)
Size: Small (-1)
2. Fight for the Motherland Triple action The armies are send to the south to destroy the Amotrall who are struck with plague under the command of Onarius Gavr, & to the north, to battle Tana.
Both battles are -1 for split and -1 for disastorous casulties in last years campaign.
Against Tana:
Videssia has Force: Good (+1)
Size: Mediocre (-1)
-1 Split Army
-1 Casulties
-2 Size difference with Tana
+2 Triple Action
Tana have Force: Good (+1)
Size: Good (+1)
Videssia Roll: +1 -4 +2 + (+1 -1 0 0)= -1
Tana Roll: +1 + (-1 +1 +1 +1)= +3
4:1 casulty ratio, about 4,000 Videssian and 1,000 Tana casulties.
Suggestion: The attack is a disaster, and no territory is gained.
Against Amo'trall:
Videssia has Force: Good (+1)
Size: Mediocre (-1)
-1 Split Army
-1 Casulties
+2 Triple Action
Amo'trall have Force: Poor (-2)
Size: Very Small (-2)
-3 Size difference with Videssia
-2 Plague
Yowsa! 1:8 casulty ratio, about 1,000 Videssian and 8,000 Amo'trall casulties.
Suggestion: Weakened by the plague, the Amo'trall are no match for the Videssian onslaught. Most of the Bear Tribe is slaughtered and the few survivors flee south to the lands of the plague-ravaged Mammoth Tribe. The only tribe at near full strength is the small White Tribe, far to south past the Tavar Mountains. The Videssians occupy the Bear Tribe lands. However, some soldiers contract the plague which then spreads north into Videssia. From there, it may spread throughout Midsea...