Society Name: The Saraa
Action 1: Onward Christian Soldiers (Strategic 2 yrs)
Light streamed into the small mudbrick hut, through the window above the Sayyadin, where he sat against the wall, through the finely woven curtain which hung in the door.
"How many shall be sent?"
The Sayyadin slowly opened his eyes and closed them again. It would have seemed an almost reptilian action were it not for the complete serenity of the small figure sitting cross legged on the floor, his robes spread about him. The question came from one of the three Naibs casually sitting before the him.
"Ten." the Sayyadin replied, "Ten is the number if fingers on our hand. They will be our fingers, reaching to grasp the secrets of this world. Ten becomes One, signifying unity of thought and purpose. Five will go to each city. A single hand for each destination. Five is the number of diversity and growth."
The Naib who had spoken before nodded to his two companions. "It is a wise move. It will be presented to the Quorum." he said and stood.
The other two gave silent assent and stood as well. Pressing their hands together the three bowed slightly to their Sayyadin. Their Sayyadin returned the gesture and the three left the small hut.
----- * -----
The Saraa have managed to create a standard of living in the deserts. Extinction is no longer an immediate threat but still looms in the realm of possibility. So much of their fate still hangs in the balance, dependent on events far beyond their control. Drought, disease, war, any of these could tip the scales against them.
It is the suggestion of the Sayyadin and approved by each of the community Naibs that the advancements of cultures around them must be studied. The Saraan have learned all they can from the neighboring desert tribes and must broaden their vision of this world.
The move is brought to the Quorum and approved by the Saraan population with little dissent. There are cries that the scholars are needed in the communities, that they will become lost or destroyed in this new world, but the cries are a small minority.
Ten of the society's scholars are selected to leave the communities. Five will travel to Myr-kun, and five will return to Mirabalpur. They are given goods, rations, and several cattle. They are provided with wards, cants, and spells to protect them on their journey and they are sent out while the moon waxes.
When the ten reach their destinations they are to gain permission to set up residence in the citys' libraries. They will study to learn the locations of other technologically advanced centers and send back messengers with detailed maps.
Expected Results: Should gain Relations scores for the two cities. If successful will have bases in the cities & maps to more cities. If successful may have future effects on Action 2.
Primary: Relations none therefore initially Mediocre (-1)
Task: Very Hard (-2) Myr Kun is a closed community.
Mods: +1 Proximity
+1 Saraa are an oddity which the sorcerers may want to examine
Result: -1 -2 +1 +1 + (0 +1 0 -1) = -1 Failure.
The Saraa are refused access to Myr-Kun's knowledge. No amount of persuasion can change the sorcerers' minds. However, relations (from the sorcerer's point of view) at Fair (0). The Saraa are welcome to the settlement, just not to gain knowledge.
Primary: Relations Fair (0)
Task: Normal (0)
Mods: +1 the Sorcerers have let them access the libraries before
-1 The Sorcerers have a few things (!) on their minds at the moment
+1 They want some help
Result: 0 - 0 +1 -1 +1 + (-1 0 +1 0) = +1 Success!
The Saraa are made welcome in the grand city of Mirabalpur. The Sorcerers go out of their way to help the exotic visitors. The Archmage himself, and another leading Sorcerer named Hirav, meet with the five delegates. They ask their visitors to invite their Sayyadin to a secret assembly which is to take place in Mir next year. In return for the Saraa's attendance, they will allow the delegates access to the libraries.
Action 2 & 3: Technological Advancement (Strategic 17 yrs)
The Saraan current level of technological advancement approximates the late Neolithic age in human history. This is a level they have gained by almost completely adopting the technology of the neighboring desert tribes. They have learned all they can from the tribes and now the Saraa must apply themselves to creating a more stable future for themselves.
The Saraa hope to approximate the tech level of many of the cultures they encountered on their journey to the Shadowlands. The first step is to attempt to move well into the Bronze age. This action will hopefully be helped by the Saraa sent to study the tech of other societies and by Action 4.
Determinants: Craft, Scholastics Sophistication
Results: Improve Tech level.
Ideally will increase exploitation score and thus wealth as well
Action: Year 1 of 17
Primary: Scholastics sophistication: Superb (+3)
Task: Normal (over 17 years)
Mods: +1 access to Mir's libraries
+1 extra action
-1 Not just one technology being advanced, but a gamut!
Result so far: +3 +1 +1 -1 + (-1 0 +1 -1) +
Action 4: Study and apply Essence magic to technology
(Ongoing action, i.e. it's not a strategic action but will happen each year to (hopefully) positively effect Action 2)
The Saraan mages will make it their primary endeavor to study and practice magics that can benefit the technological advancement of the society.
Determinant: Essence Magic Sophistication
Results: + or (GAH!) - to Action 2
Perhaps a Superb or Legendary Success might improve Essence Magic Sophistication?
Primary: Essence Magic Sophistication Mediocre (-1)
Task: Hard (-1)
Mods: +1 They're going to take their time
Result: -1 -1 +1 + (0 0 -1 +1) = -1 Failure.
No positive or negative effect on Action 2.