Society Name: Celpalar
Action 1
Strategic, external (Year 5 of 5)
Type: Observation/diplomatic Actor: Ephors
Expedition to northwest Qaiyore (Studying Annaeyana)
Weight: Single
Secrecy: Result
Primary Determinant: Resources/Relations
Task: hard
Secondary: scholastics, magic
The wizards and wise men of the expedition continue to study Annaeyana as thoroughly as
possible, before finally returning home.
Final Result: Secret
Action 2
Strategic, internal (year 3 of 3)
Type: Develop/invest Actor: Tol'aland
Archealogical dig in ruins of the original University in Areneth
Weight: single
Secrecy: None
Primary Determinant: Wealth/resources
Task: Normal
Secondary: Scholastics, magic, experienced labor force (from port work) and knowledgeable
workers (students, faculty) redily available. Funds for equipment, food, and to hire
workers also readily available.
Reaction: Business as usual
Final Result: +1 +2 + (0 1 0 0) + (-1 +1 -1 -1 ) + (-1 0 +1 0) = +2 Complete success!
Suggestion: The dig finds much to interest the scholars of the university which will have
to be sifted through in the coming years. Amongst the wax-protected scrolls and
parchments, flasks and leather tomes, a few small trinkets of a magical nature are also
unearthed, one of which bear an inscription concerning the floating city. In amongst the
maps, details of the lands northeast of Celpalar, the island known as Avaerand, are found.
Action 3
Strategic, internal (year 1 of 4)
Type: Develop/invest Actor: Kings
Upgrading of military
Weight: single
Primary Determinant: Scholastics? (expertise in war&strategy)
Task: Hard? (already fine force, massive undertaking0
Secondary: Urgency of coming threat/conflict, philosophical leanings of society
Reaction: Heroic
An all out attempt to upgrade the quality of Celpalar's armed forces. Digging through the
archives and papers of legendary military leaders, reviewing past conflicts, and analyzing
what is known of the way others in Qaiyore wage war to develop organization and tactics.
Systematic activation of all citizens for retraining and physical conditioning, wargames
between the standing army and navy and the reserve units, overhaul of equipment, and
intense training of standing forces. Refit of vessels, including merchant marine ships
(may adversely affect trade).
Result so far: +2 -1 +1 + (+1 +1 0 +1) + ( ) + ( ) + ( )
Action 4
Strategic, internal (year 1 of 4)
Type: Develop/ invest Actor: Mel-tol
Improving magic
Weight: Single
Prmary determinant: Scholastics? (research and study)
Task: Very hard?
Secondary: Relations (gaining knowledge from other nations), Magic,
Urgency, possible boost from success in action 2
Reaction: Risky (when dealing with the unknown....)
The mages attempt to recreate some of the lost magics of old using historic accounts and
diaries from wizards of the past. Also exploartion of new spells and theories is
intensified. A definite boost would come from translation of any of the works from the
wizard tower.
Result so far: +2 -2 +2 + (-1 -1 0 -1) + ( ) + ( ) + ( )