Society Name: Parglug
Action 1 & 2 External, Strategic (5 of 5)
Type: development/craft
"Many people of the world have different ways of making ships; we should hire forgien ship wrights to increase our craft in ship making"
Actor: Adneril Krog
Weight: double
Secrecy: None
Prime Determinant: craft ships (superb)
Secondary Determinant: relations other lands fair
Modifiers: Double Action
Result: +3 -3 +0 + (1 0 -1 1) + (0 0 +1 0) -2 + (+1 +1 +1 0 ) -2 + (+1 -1 0 +1) + ( 0 +1 +1 0 )= +4 Superior success
Suggestion: +1 to ship design for 5 years.
Action 3 External, Military
Type: Harry the Videssia army half the way home. Destroy as much of the army as possible Take 3,000 men and 1/3 of the fleet harry the troops make sure they don't get resupplied from sea and that no over land supply caravans get through without heavy guard. All troops captured will be kept and transported back to Parglug.
Actor: clan leaders
Weight: Single
Secrecy: None
Prime Determinant: army (good)
Secondary Determinant: ships superb
Modifiers: + defeated troups
+ aready at the end of a long supply line
+ invasion of home (not great support from home)
Result: 0 +2 + (-1 0 +1 0)= +2 Success
Suggestion: The Videssian force is succesfully harried.
Action 4 internal/external, finacial
Type: spend another year try to replace funds and foods lost due to the invasions.
Actor: Laslo
Weight: Single
Secrecy: None
Prime Determinant: trade good
Secondary Determinant: ships superb
Result: 0 +2 + (+1 -1 -1 -1)= 0 Mixed Results
Suggestion: Parglug replaces enough funds and food to survive, but they have not yet reached pre-invasion levels.