Society Name: Shanari
Action 1: The seeresses continue the process of conversion, spreading throughout the desert bringing word of Sin-Alb. Groups of black robed women make their pilgrimages to the Floating City, spreading the word to the Terebuani as they go.
Religious, External
TYPE: Religious Conversion
ACTOR: Alb-Shanari seeresses
SUMMARY: Convert the Terebuani to the new faith
WEIGHT: Single
PRIME DETERMINANT: Relations: Good (+1)
TASK: Hard
MODIFIERS: + the seeresses have demonstrable magical powers
+ the religion has gripped the Shanari like wildfire
+ the seeresses view the Terebuani as particularly blessed, living in the Shadowlands as
they do.
- - rumors of the Alb-Sanouk and the seeresses' support of him have filtered through to
the Terebuani
Result: +1 -1 +1 + (0 -1 -1 -1) = -2 Complete Failure.
Suggestion: The Bedu religion is an established way of life for the people known to outsiders as the Terebuani. Whilst they appreciate the seeresses' pilgrimage they do not share their awe of the Floating City, for in their tongue it is often named the cloud of death. They warn the seeresses not to venture too near Annaeyana and pass on accounts of whole villages vanishing when the city passes overhead, and strange lights in the skies bringing sandstorms and terrible dreams.
Action 2: The seeresses venture into Milakanur, bringing word of Sin-Alb to that country as well.
Religious, External
TYPE: Religious Conversion
ACTOR: Alb-Shanari seeresses
SUMMARY: Convert Milakanur to the new faith
WEIGHT: Single
PRIME DETERMINANT: Relations: Mediocre (0)
TASK: Normal
MODIFIERS: + the seeresses have demonstrable magical powers
+ the religion has swept through the Shanari like wildfire
- the tribes bordering Milakanur are not converted
- - rumors of the Alb-Sanouk and the seeresses' support of him have filtered through to
the Despot
Result: 0 +0 -1 + (+1 -1 0 0) = -1 Complete Failure.
Suggestion: The Milakanuri look down upon their desert-dwelling brethren and the seeresses are no exception. Their close affinity with the Jabuasi clan and the murder of Shamir means that the Milakanuri resist the Alb-Shanari overtures and only a few sympathisers are found. Once the Despot's followers find out about their mission, the Seeresses are expelled, though without harm, the Despot fearing any reprisals.
Actions 3 & 4: Hisinvol is angered by the defiance of the dissenting Sanouki, but fears that attacking them will alienate his allies. After a long conference with the Alb-Shanari seeresses, he devises a new strategy. He calls upon all hot-blooded young warriors among the Shanari (even those among the tribes who did not recognize his authority) to begin raids on the Bel'Adne to the north. These will test the defenses of their neighbors, as well as train the troops in real combat.
Military, External
TYPE: Raiding
ACTOR: Hisinvol
SUMMARY: The Shanari raid the Bel'Adne
WEIGHT: Double
PRIME DETERMINANT: Authority: Superb (+3)
TASK: Normal
MODIFIERS: + + the Shanari are inclined to raid the Bel'Adne on any pretext
- some tribes do not recognize the authority of Hisinvol
I'd say this is a two-parter - firstly a test of Hisinvol's authority and then the actual raids themselves.
Result(1) = +3 -0 +1 + (0 -1 -1 +1) = +3 Superior Success!
Suggestion(1): The Alb-Sanouki's followers rally round their leader and send warriors to raid the Bel'Adne outposts. Their are calls for the Alb-Sanouki to give the loyal Shanari a name, to distinguish them from those who fail to acknowledge Hisinvol's authority. Shanari society is sharply becoming more and more divided into opposing camps.
[I'm not treating the raids as battles, so the primary determinant is a mixture of Scholastics (military skill) and Resources (people) thus -1 (being generous)]
Result(2) = -1 -0 +3 (extra +1 from above) + (-1 +1 0 +1) = +3 Superior success!
Suggestion(2): The raids on the Bel'Adne go well, as the High Council had thought the Shanari threat to be over, and moved many of the border garrisons to the northern mountains. Bel'Adne resistance is a shambles, the Shanari warriors pillaging numerous border villages and even go so far as capturing the significant border town of Sarnabar, the largest city in the region of Sarand.