Society Name: Razanians
Action I. - Invasion of Northern Aryisa
The Northern Razanian Armies continue their push to get completly across the
Timber Veil, with support of Gurders and Catapults. They also have Partial
help from the Razanian Front Rebels behind enemy lines, but with the
reorganization of the Aryisan military, may be a bit harder to get through.
Action I. - Strategy, External
Actor: Northern Kingdoms
Objective: Invade Aryisa from the North
Type: Invasion
Secrecy: None
Difficulty: Hard, Aryisa tight Defences
Prime Determinants: Secondary Philosophical Orientation, Force Great on
razanian soil
(+1) Secondary Philosophical Orientation: War
(+1) hatred for the Asagmari
(+1) united force
(-1) kingdoms have problems working together
(+1) great on razanian soil (this counts anywhere on the Coast, including
(+1) Razanian Front
(+1) Use of Gurders and Minot Catapults
(-1) Aryisa military reorganized
Reaction: Heroic
Razanians: Force Great Size Fair
Arysias: Force Great Size Fair
Battle Results
Razanians: +1 ( 0 0 0 +1) = +2
Aryisas: +2 (-1 +1 -1 +1) = +2
Suggestion: There is no advancement on eather side.
Action II. - Western Armies Push
Western Razanian Armies continue their push to drive out the Asagmari from
the west side of the Razan River. With the reorganization of the Aryisan
Military, may be harder to get through them, but they are still suffering
from previous loss'.
Action II. - Strategy, External
Actors: Western Kingdoms
Objective: Take control Western side of Razan River
Type: Invasion
Secrecy: None
Difficulty: Hard, Aryisan Military stuborn indeed
Prime Determinant: Secondary Philosophical Orientation, Great on Razanian
(+1) Secondary Philosophical Orientation: War
(+1) hatred for the Asagmari
(+1) united force
(-1) kingdoms have problems working together
(+1) great on Razanian Soil
(+1) Razanian Front
(+1) lead by the kingdom of Karan
(-1) Aryisa military reorganization
Reaction: Cautiou
Razanians: Force Good Size Fair
Arysias: Force Great Size Fair
+ Defencive
Battle Results
Razanians: +1 (+1 +1 -1 +1) = +3
Aryisas: +2 +1 (0 0 -1 -1) =+1
Suggestion: Suggestion: The Aryisan army is pushed to the east side of the river Razan.
Action III. - Southern Armies contruct Fortications along the Haran River (1 out of 2)
The Southern Armies decided to permently fortify their positions along the
Haran River and using a similar technique they used along the Sout River,
but will take about two years or so, especially with the threat of Aryisan
Reingforments north of the River. The Southern Armies will destroy the
remaining Bridges across the river, to prevent the Aryisans to get through.
Action III. - Strategy, Internal
Actor: Southern Kingdoms
Type: Defence
Secrecy: None, but being cautious of any Aryisan Spies/Scouts.
Difficulty: Hard
Prime Determinant: Primary Philosophical Orientation: Survival, Great on
Razanian Soil
Resources: Fair
Engineering: Great
Crafts: Fair
(+1) Primary Philosophical Orientation: Survival
(+1) Haran River, easy to defend chokepoints
(+1) Razanian Front
(+1) Great on Razanian Soil
(-1) problems working together
(+1) united force
(+1) use of gurders
Reaction: Cautious
Results -1 +1 +3 (0 0 -1 0) +()
Suggestion: They start out out slowly but they are being built them with little problem.
Action IV. - Adapting to the Aryisa military reorganization
Despite their failure last year in creating a plague, they have to fortify
their hideouts, without atracting the Aryisa Military to easily find them.
The Rebels are prepared to hide when it is required, but in the meantime,
they'll continue their rebelling, disrupting supply routes and communication
across Aryisa. They will also when is required to help the Razanian Armies
along the Front by raiding Aryisa military positions. They will not let the
Aryisa military find them and get put down......
Action IV. - Strategic/Tactical, internal/external (Razanian Front)
Actors: Razanian Front
Objective: To reorganize the Front to adapt against the reorganization of
the Aryisan Military
Type: Espionage/Rebelling/hiding/whatever
Secrecy: Yes
Difficulty: Hard
Prime Determinant: War
Secondary Determinant: Survival
+Razanian Front Spread out across Aryisa, many Hideouts
+They are already are disrupting Aryisa supply lines and communication
+Century Council support
Reaction: Cautious
Results: -1 +3 (-1 -1 +1 -1) = 0 Mixed Results
Suggesion: The Aryisan capture a few of the Razianan front and the rest are driven into hiding for this year.
Action V. - Tactical, External
The Century Council......
Actors: The Century Council
Secrecy: Of course.....
I will send the Secret Action directly to Jason. ;) wow, my first secret action... ;)