Society Name: Torphan
Action 1, 2 &3: Try to get the people and government used to
interaction (4 of 4 years)
Because of the Emperors will to come out of isolation, and because it
is happening so rapidly, the people of Torphan are a little upset.
Everything is happening so quickly and so abruptly that most people
dont have time to get used to it. Because of this, the Emperor has
decided to slow down for a while, to let people get accustomed to the
change, before proceeding any further.
Primary Determinet: Trade
Secondary determinet: Relations
Actor: The Emperor
Weight: Triple (+2)
Difficutly: Hard (-1)
Secrecy: None
Modifiers: + already starting to come out of isolation
+ some people are ok with it, but not all
+ 4 years for people to get used to it now, possibility of even
more time depending on results
+ the Emperors status over the people
+ people are coming around
-1 +2 -1 + (0 -1 -1 +1 -1) + (-1 -1 -1 +1) + 1 + (+1 +1 0 0) + 2 + (0 + 0 -) +2 = +2 Success
The people while still feeling a little unhappy are willing to open
trade to others.
Action 4: Rebuild navy (1 of 3 years)
The Emperor has decided to restart his efforts to build up his navy.
Primary Determinet: Construction
Actor: Builders
Weight: Single
Difficutly: Normal (Hard -1 )
Secrecy: None
Modifiers: + lots of people to build the ships
+ lots of resources to use
- 1 +1 (- + 0 0) + () + ()
The project begins.