Subsistence, Economy, and Technology
Produce of Hria
Dyes:- (Large Production, Common, 4)The multicoloured clothes of women of Hira are all produced using local dyes. The colours gained by each source are listed below, and can be mixed to produce other colours;
Fish:- (Huge production, Very Common, 3)The Hri are masters of the Maripai sea, and have been fishing it's waters for thousands of years.
Incense:- (Significant production, Common, 6)Hri incense is a mixture of various spices and flowers to varying degrees. Hri incenses are classified in one of four areas; meditation, stimulation, inspiration, and revitalisation, and are combinations are possible, though effects will be somewhat weakened.
Metals:- (Not Significant Production, Uncommon, 7-8)The eastern foothills have a number of small-scale mines extracting significant amounts of precious metals for local use. Metals such as gold and silver are used by artisans in the larger centres to produce fine jewellery. Other metals have to imported, including tools.
Oil:- (Significant Production, Common, 4)The fruit of the Lota tree is pressed to produce an oil of great purity that can be used for the cooking and flavouring of food.
Pairo:- (Notable Production, Common, 4)Pairo grow wild in the watercourses of northern Qaiyore, and has been cultivated in the rivers of Hria. It likes to grow with its roots in the mud or under water. A perennial with a spreading root system, pairo has hollow stems growing up to 30cm (12 inches) high, with dark green leaves and white, pink, yellow, purple and red flowers. The leaves and stems, which are the edible part, are watery in taste. It is often used in ponds as a decorative plant.
Pottery:- (Large Production, Common, 3-6) Hria is home to probably the finest earthenware in all Oaiyore, and it is exported to all her trading partners. Ranging from tiny incense pots to giant clay urns for the transport and storage of liquids, all Hri pots are precision crafted, intricately sculpted and painstakingly hand-painted.
Silk:- (Significant Production, Relatively Common, 4-7),The cocoons of the safi are made of a fine silk, which, when spun, is used for the manufacture of clothing, prayer flags and hangings. A strengthened variety of the silk is also used for fishing nets. It is produced in such quantities that not only can all Hri be clothed in it, but it is also exported.
Shaka:- (Huge Production, Very Common, 3) Cultivates on the flat lands of the Bega river valley, shaka is the staple grain of the Hri. Indistinguishable from wheat, it is has a growth cycle of approximately 5 months, and is harvested in the last month of the dry season.
Te'ngk:- (Huge Production, Very Common, 4) The te'ngk is used in it's entirety. The meat is eaten or traded, the wool is used for clothing or fine carpets in southern lands. The bones are even used in a ceremonial manner for the starting mortar of a new building. The hide is used for leather and the droppings are dried and used to fuel lamps along streets in the city.
Timber:- (Significant Production, Relatively Common, 6) Trees cut down from the northern forests are used for many tasks, both within and outside Hria. A noted wood is the Pr'ryl, which is used in the construction of the Hria caravel, and is reputed never to leak or crack.
Skills:- The people of Hria are famed along the coast as artisans and merchants. Also skilled sailors, fishers and farmers, they seek only to extend their peace and prosperity to all.
Bemura:- (3) Sweet bemura grows about 45cm (18 inches) high, with large, lettuce-green leaves and creamy-white flowers. It originates on the Northwest coast of Qaiyore, but has become a semi-hardy annual across the continent. Bush bemura is a lower, more compact plant with small leaves, easier to grow. Dark Opal is a decorative red-leaf variety.
Bimura:- (6) Bimura are perennial and grow in clumps about 12.5cm (5 inches) high, with dark green tubular leaves and pretty round purple flowers appearing just after the rains. They grow wild throughout rocky foothills in drier areas. The flowers are ground down and used for incense.
Bomura:- (3) Bomura leaves are small, shiny and evergreen, slightly like small bay leaves. They grow on a tree native to northern Qaiyore. The tree is easily grown with an exotic spicy fragrance, and is used in cooking much like curry.
Gromura:- (7) The gromura tree grows abundantly near tropical sea shores, an evergreen which can reach 13.5m (45 feet), it is highly aromatic, it's pungent scent being carried for miles by sea breezes. Gromura are the trees immature, unopened flower buds, picked when turning from pale green to a pinkish-red, They dry to a rich deep brown and resemble small nail tacks in shape. Gromura is native to Hria, and despite exhaustive attempts, cannot be grown elsewhere. Gromura is both sweet and pungent with an unmistakable aroma, but is used in restraint when cooking so as not to overwhelm other tastes.
Fimura:- (5) Fimura is native to the plains of central Hria and often grows in the stands up to 1.5m (5 feet) high along the road sides. It has woody stems, fine-cut feathery leaves and umbels of yellow flowers.
Lomura:- (4) Chilli. Small, thin tapering fruit of various colours between dark maroon to deep green of about 1-10 cm (1/5-4 inches) long. Hot and spicy, it is used in several specialised dishes.
Nimura:- (6) A small coniferous and prickly evergreen, the nimura tree rages in height from 120cm-10.5m (4-35 feet) and grows in drier areas of the mountains. The small spherical berries turn from an unripe green to a ripe blue-black when dried, they are purplish-black and light brown inside. The berries' spicy pine aroma and sweet, resinous flavour varies according to where they grow; those from southern regions are far more pungent than the northern varieties.
Nomura:- (6) The solitary tall and broad nomura tree grows exclusively along the paradise-like coast tropical north-western Qaiyore; it can reach heights of 15m (50 feet). It's round, purplish, plum-like fruit contains eight seeds, but it is the skin of the fruit that is used in cooking. Stripped from the fruit, flattened and dried, the skins turn a deep black-brown and have a sour and rather salty taste, it is often used as a souring agent. The seeds are also used, ground up and used in incense, they have a rather subtle odour
Romura:- (5) Romura grass is a perennial, native to Northwest Qaiyore. It has pointed aromatic leaves, sharp and spiky, with a swollen leaf base. The lower section of the leaves contain an aromatic oil with a strong sweet flavor. The tips of the leaves are ground and dried, and are used for tea.
Samura:- (11!?!)Samura is the world's most expensive spice and unique in its origin, for samura is the dried stigmas of the flowers of the samura crocus. The stigmas are extracted from the freshly harvested flowers and dried to become irregular, deep orange-red threads about 4cm (1.5 inches) long. It takes about 50,000 stigmas to make up 100 g (4 oz) samura, and every bloom must be individually packed, and every stigma individually extracted by hand. It imparts a distinctive aroma, a bitter, honey-like taste, and a sstrong, yellow colour to food. The petals of the flower are used to produce a sweet-scented incense, not unlike jasmine.
Shamura:- (4) With its spiky yellow flowers and long, shiny, pointed leaves, the tropical shamura can reach heights of 1 m (3 feet) and grows profusely in the tropical climates of Qaiyore. It is the rhizomes, or knobbly roots, which form the cooking spice, and can also be used for a yellow dye. It has a strong woody aroma and distinctive, pungent flavour.
Tamura:- (4) Temura is a small annual, it grows between 30-60 cm (1-2 feet) It's small, oval red seeds have a strong aroma and flavour of thyme, and also used in dyeing of fabrics.
Tomura:- (5) Temura is the red seed, known as a an orangey-red dye for food and fabric, but it is used as a spice in a number of tropical countries. Sometimes growing 10.5 m (35 feet) high, the tree's leaves and prickly pods are both heart-shaped. The latter contain a mass of small, deep red trinagluar seeds which are rather peppery
Trading Partners
Celpalar: Relations with Celpalar have only been established since the arrival of their expedition fleet in 1404. Whilst they have not produced any produce that can be traded thus far, and seem more concerned with their search for the 'flying city' of which the Terebuani speak of, they have taken to several of Hria's spices, particularly gromura, and have extensive knowledge of the north as well as those beyond the eastern mountains.
Imports: Spices
Exports: Negligible
Relations: Good
Hisarian Empire:- Hria has been trading with the Hisarians for millennia. During the period of Hisaria's incorporation into the Cedonian Empire, trade was subdued. With the break-up of the Cedonian Empire, cordial relations were once again instituted with Hisaria and continued unabated to the present. Because of the division of Hisaria during the time of the Cedonians into Imperial Hisaria and the Duchy of Hisaria, Hisaria is often referred to as the Twin Kingdoms.
Imports: Incense, Metals, Pottery, Silk, Te'ngk, Spices
Exports: Flax (for sail making), Steel, Tools,
Notes: -The Hisarian Empire has a population of approximately 1-1.5 million people
-Attempts to travel beyond Hisaria have met with attacks by 'flaming trees that fly'. Hisarians claim that there are rapacious hordes to their south, but beyond those live friendly kingdoms. (or at least used to, before the Cedonians fall.
-Traditionally Hisarians have been of slim build, standing between 5'7 and 6 foot. They are of olive or cinnamon complexion, with brown, black, or auburn hair, and brown, hazel or green eyes. Hisarian males develop facial hair from puberty, and while some shave it, others let it grow in a controlled manner. Hisarians dress conservatively in long, clothes in cream, brown, and amongst the nobility, green. In addition to this, some Hisariasn intermarried with the Cedonians during their reign, so there has been a recent broadening of features among the Hisarians.
-Hisarian society is based on a class system, extending form the Imperial family, through the nobility to the masses. It is not known whether this existed in the pre-Cedonian era, but has done so since. Whilst the concept of a rigid, stratified society is alien to the Hri, they do not see it fit to make comment as no unhappiness is visible. There is also an established religion, with a set of scriptures that govern the lives of the populace. Again, it is not known whether this existed prior to the Cedonian era, but it seems to be one of the sources of the Hisarian's conservative nature.
-The Shan Clan, of the port city of Jall, has been the makers of the Hri sfika, or glaive, for hundreds of years. Made by a family tradition of folding and refolding layers of hot steel is a secret, but is said to come from a kingdom 'far to the south'.
Relations: Good
Myr-Kun:- The wizards of this city-state are sadly lacking in most resources, and as is standard with Hri trade policy, goods are taken to where they are needed, on the proviso that fair recompense will be made in the future when required. The exchange is greatly in the Myr-Kun's favour, but this is of little concern to Hria, which is glad to help anyone who requires it. Despite some craftwork and texts, Myr-kun has nothing to offer, as magic is the concern of the Sangha, not merchants.
Imports: Food, Spices, Incense, Metals, Silk, Pottery, and Timber
Exports: Negligible
Relations: Good
Terebuani (Bedu) The 'southern nomads' have established some informal trade with some Mahla on the south bank of the river, but seem largely determined to make their own way in the world, unaided by the Hri.
Imports: Shaka, Timber
Exports: Negligible
Notes: -Some youths will raid an isolated settlement in the border regions, but this is rather isolated, and 'raid' is a strong word. Locals simply give those any spare crops they have, usually in exchange for some hides.
-Hri do not venture into the desert, as not to offend the Terebuani.
Relations: Fair
Tora (Northern Tribes):- The jungle-dwelling peoples to the north of Hria live as hunters and gatherers, needing little from the world outside. However, same trade links have been established, both by land and sea, and both parties are gaining benefit.
Imports: Pottery
Exports: Fruits, Animal Pelts
Notes: -The borders between Hria and the north were for hundreds of years a point of concern. It was finally decided that those in fixed settlements and followed fixed farming patterns were Hri, while those who weren't were not. It is not known how many Tora there are, but there are not to many of them, due to the fact that their forests are sparsely populated.
-Tora are brown-skinned, stand 5'6 to 5'11 tall, are slim, and have black curly hair and black eyes. They dress in animal skins both men and women going bare-chested, and have been known to wear feathers gathered from dead birds in their hair on occasion . Like the Hri, they will not kill birds, but instead hunt Tamba (wild boars) and Kaal (deer) in their homeland using spear traps and clubs.
-The Tora worship an innumerable number of local spirits, but all believe in a 'Great Flame-Bird' as the 'Watcher of All'.
Relations: Fair