Society Name: Ban Horroth
ACTION 1,2 Internal
Stability of the nation
Years have passed and deep political infighting
between the castes has proved harmful to the race, the
diplomatic and trade leaders have become increasingly
more fidgety as the people have had little contact
with the outside world. With such slight contact the
traders have become poorer, this is leading to a
diminished middle class and civil unrest as the people
grow tired of been treated badly by the politicians
and generals. It is agreed that the Ban Horroth should
set foot outside the walls of the citadel and contact
the neighbouring races in one form or another.
+1 the people will welcome the change in governmental
+1 the movement into the outside world is in everyones
best interest
- The older members of the society will see such acts
as a movement against their king and patriarch, and
althought the king has little to say in such matters
his position is much revered.
- The Religious orders of the Horroth have managed to
make a vast fortune using there duty exempt position
to amass great cophers of gems, they will attempt to
retain this comfortable position as long as possible
and spread word of the taht reside outside the walls.
+ The warrior caste have been training are moving into
a state of readiness there is already talks of raiding
parties along the more loose tongued individuals, the
warriors are ready to move.
Difficulty: Very Hard
+1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -2 +1 (-1 -1 +1 +1) = 0 Mixed Results
None of the parties involve make any real head way.
Scouting the mountain trade routes
The Viseur sends scouting parties out constantly
through the year to investigate the trade routes (if
any )that exist along the mountains or the rim. The
scouts tasks are to follow traders from a distance,
attempt to find out where the trade is from and where
it is going to. Academics amongst the scout groups
draw up detailed maps of trade routes and report them
back to the leaders.
+1 the Ban Horroth are mountain folk who travel in
such conditins, quietly, quickly with great ease
-1 the scouts can only follow the traders so far, it
may not be possible to work out straight away who they
are or where they are going
Difficulty: Hard
-1 -1 +1 (+1 +1 0 0) = +1 Success.
Their are no trade routes throught the mountians but all routes directly by the Mountians are maped.
Duty to the king
The Viseur draws up a royal decree stating that there
is to be a 20% rise on duty to the King, the reasons
the king gives in his decree is that since the Horroth
are moving towards a more active tack more money is
required, to pay for more training for the warriors
and the increased mining for trade.
-1 The people are already fast becoming very very poor
-1 The traders who will be seen to be benefitting from
such taxation will be the people in already
comfortable positions
+1 The traders most likely to benefit will support the
+1 The promise of money been giving to the Warrior
caste will secure there support
- 1There will be unrest the lower caste member will
not like it
Difficulty: Hard
+1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 (-1 -1 0 +1) = -3 Complete failure
The people hold a protect outside of the kings palace. The clam they are poor enought that they can't pay anymore.