Politics, Law & Custom

When the Cedonian Empire lost the county of Teltaram in 1281, goblin raiders saw their chance to raid the fertile upper valleys of Therani. While Duke Milarandos seized control of and defended the lower velleys, the upper valleys were left to fend for themselves with little organization. The Breaking, as it is oftren referred to, resulted in small parcels of land, each being held against the goblin raiders by a locally popular governor, or Ther Ri. These men were popular and strong, and had soon made their positions hereditary, in common with the Cedonian Empire nobility.

Each Ther Ri had the right to raise his or her own army, to tax their people, to use no more than 15% of those monies to increase their palaces and personal holdings, and to mete out judgement and justice in enforcing the law of the Cedonian Empire. In return, they were expected to use that army in defense of the land, to use 85% of the tax money to benefit the region and its people, and to keep order in the region.

In the beginning, law essentially followed Cedonian custom, with a few notable changes in rural areas (the most important being the distinction between murder and sacrifice. If an individual is killed not by a person, but by an institution such as the church, it is not culpable of murder and cannot be tried). Over the past hundred and fifty years, however, Cedonian law has mingled with the native religion and customs to create a slightly debased version of said law. For instance:

- Attempted suicide is a crime punishable by banishment to the desert.
- Slavery is no longer a viable institution, and laws governing the practice have been struck from the books.
- Practice of the Sherani religion is treason.

These are simply some of the more notable or applicable changes to the laws of Therani. More exist, but tend to deal with property law and taxation.

A few unique beliefs and customs proliferate in Therani. For one, the crow is held to be a symbol of good luck, as it was a carrion bird which would not feast upon the corpse of the suicide in Therani Oryban belief. Secondly, the meat and eggs of the crocodilian Talner are considered a delicacy, andcan be found during the winter months in any large city. Third, the Therani as a people are known to enjoy word-games such as riddles, rebusses, and the like. This can be seen in their common parlance, where many common words and phrases are turned to new meanings for purposes of satire, humor or sheer love of the language.