Politics, Law & Custom

Political Organisation
Custom and Status

Political Organisation

Political Infrastructure Type and Classification, Ruling Agency Description, Power Description/Notes, Authority Description/Notes, Consent Description/Notes

Political Infrastructure: Direct Democracy

Ruling Agency: Sayyadinna
Influence: Miserable (-4)
Authority: Great (+2)
Consent: Superb (+3)

The Sayyadinna is the spiritual and moral leader of the Saraan. All legal disputes are brought before him, and he is expected to lead and direct the Saraan through their hardships and trials. Of course any decision of the the Sayyadinna is subject to examination and vote of the Quorum. The Sayyadinna is elected into office by the Quorum and typically holds the position for life. Although the Sayyadinna can be removed by popular vote, this is almost unheard of.

Ruling Agency: Naib
Influence: Fair (0)
Authority: Fair (0)
Consent: Good (+1)

Each Saraan community has a Naib office elected by the Quorum. The position is voted on every 15 years. The Naib and his office is responsible for the day to day administration of. He collects and distributes community goods and has a large hand in the movement of individuals through the lower castes. The position is not highly regarded, as it is very much a position of bean counting and tee-totalling.

Ruling Agency: Quorum
Influence: Legendary (+4)
Authority: Miserable (-4)
Consent: Legendary (+4)

Twice each year the Saraan congregate to a natural ampitheatre and hold a Quorum. All major policies are brought before the Quorum to be voted on, and any member of the society may make proposals and suggestions. Theoretically, the caste structure is forgotten during a Quorum, but typically the comments of higher caste members is held in higher regard that tose from the lower castes.


Legal Complexity, Legal Description/Notes, Constitution Description/Notes

Legal Complexity: Fair (0)

A Saraan legal tradition has existed for millenia in the Dreamland. However the demands of their new environment has been the impetus of massive revisions of the legal code. The current Sayyadinna transcribed a complete revision and reinterpretation upon gaining office. The revision has been added to in the intervening years by case studies and interpretations. As the current legal history increases, Legal Complexity will undoubtably rise.

The Sayyadinna is the arbiter and judge in all legal matters. he has the power to interpret and enforce the law. The Sayyadinna generally has the final say in any matter, unless a large contingent disagrees. In such a case the matter is brought before the Quorum.

Kinship Ascendant, Kinship Description/Notes, Lineage Determinant, Lineage Description/Notes, Inheritance Pattern, Inheritance Description/Notes, Other/Historical Notes

Kinship Ascendent: None
Lineage Determinant: Parent
Inheritance Pattern: None

The unique Saraan physiology and method of reproduction virtually negates the kinship and lineage determinants. Saraa are genderless and have only one parent. When Saraa are born they inherit none of their parent's belongings. The few personal belongings a Saraa leaves behind when he passes on become community property.

Personal Freedoms, Vertical Freedom Aspects (e.g. across racial group), Horizontal Freedom Aspects (across status categories)

Personal Freedoms:

Saraan are expected to follow a strict regimen emphasising religious devotion and piety and social obligation. A Saraa of a any particular caste has responsibilities and duties and a lifestyle that are expected to be met and adhered to. Saraa who disregard their regimen can expect scorn and ostracization.

Freedom Aspects:

The Saraan caste structure doles out specific freedoms by caste.

Foreigners visiting Saraan communities are confined to areas put in place for the specific purpose of entertaining, and can only make contact with high level Saraan trained for dealing with them.


Custom and Status, Rigidity of Status, Unique Customs/Traditions, Primary Status Foundation, Secondary Foundation, Other Foundations, Social Hierarchy

Custom: Great (+2)
Rigidity: Upward Mobility Terrible (-3); Downward Mobility Good (+2)

The Saraan culture is a strict caste system, with each caste assigned with very specific regimen and duties. However, it is expected that Saraa aspire and move up through the caste structure during their lifetime. Those who make no movement through the structure are held in especially low regard. Also, it is far easier to move up through the structure than to be dislodged and demoted to a lower caste.

Primary Status Foundation: Capability (Scholastic)

The Saraan place greatest emphasis on the scholastic capability of an individual. The ability to read, write, and reason is the greatest mark of worth for individuals in the society. Only the greatest scholars rise to the top ranks in Saraan society.

Status Foundation: Philosophy (Piety & Doctrine)

The Saraan society is a strictly religious society, placing great importance on pious behaviour and strict adherance to the religious doctrine and status is imparted accordingly. Without a pious nature, even the most brilliant scholars will be held in righteous disregard.

Status Foundation: Capability (Craft)

While not the most highly regarded, most Saraan are judged by their competence in their chosen field. It is expected that all Saraan aspire to scholastics but most individuals spend a lengthy time as common craftsmen and workers before their scholastic achievements qualify them for entry into the elite.

Social Hierarchy:

Status Archetype Vocational Clusters Sample Vocations Status
Ruling agency N/A Being a direct democracy, each and every member of the Saraan race is a member of the Ruling Agency. N/A
Ruling class Political (I) the Sayyadinna Superb
Political (II) Saraan Naibs Good to Great
Privileged Academic teachers, alchemists, astrologers & astronomers, historians, philosophers, natural historians, scholars of all types Good to Superb
Ecclesiastical religious officials, historians, and scholars; a great deal of overlap with academic Good to Superb
Fine Arts (I) hymnists, psalmists; overlap with ecclesiastical Good
Professional Arcane professional wizards Mediocre to Good
Bureaucratic Naib assistants & clerks Fair
Skilled Professional or Artisan potters, tailors, carpenters & architects, physicians, etc. Fair to Good
Labour Unskilled Labor farmers, brickmakers, porters Poor to Fair
Marginal Fine Arts (II) painters, singers, sculptors, performance arts Miserable to Terrible
Fringe theives, vagrants, beggars, simpletons Miserable