Subsistence, Economy & Technology

Subsistence and Mobility
Economic Environment

Subsistence and Mobility

Mobility Classification, Subclassification, Mobility Description, Other/Historical Notes

Mobility Classification: Sedentary

Major Subsistence Classification, Major Food Staples, Hunting/Harvesting Regions, Recurrent Surplus/Shortages, Animal/Vegetable By-products, Hostile Predators/Conditions, Minor Subsistance..., Other/Historical Notes

Subsistence Classification: Fully Agricultural

The Saraan farm the fertile desert oasis they have chosen as their home. The primary produce is wheat and corn, although a few other crops are nurtured, especially many varieties fruit and herb.

Crops are supplimented by herding of a local goat-like cattle. The cattle provide milk and their thick coat is the source of most Saraan fabrics. While the Saraan themselves are vegetarian, cattle are also sold to neighboring tribes for their meat or breeding stock.

Economic Environment

Economic Exchange Category, Method of Exchange, Exchange Description (units,type,value,etc), Economy Type, Economic Policy (tariffs,regulations,etc), Resource Description/List, Exploitation Percentage, Exploitation Description/List, Trade Description, Trading Frequency, Notable Trading Houses/Companies, Trading Partners

Exchange Category: Trading
Method of Exchange: Barter
Economy Type: Communism

The Saraan live a communal lifestyle. They eat, work, and sleep with their brethren. Privacy is a luxury afforded to few privileged members. All goods produced by Saraa are shared by the community and what little surplus that's created is either stored against lean times or traded with foreign societies.

Resource Value: Fair (0)

The Saraan live in an oasis in the Shadowlands. The area is located in the rocky foothills of the desert where a natural hotspring bubbles to the surface, forming a small and fertile area of streams and pools. The area is large enough that it could probably medium sized city of moderate wealth. A variety of crops can be grown in the land, and the surrounding hills contain a healthy supply of metals.

Exploitation Value: Poor (-2)

The Saraan cannot adequately exploit the resources available to them, largely because of inadequate technology. It is also in the nature of the people to intrude as little as possible into the natural order of their surroundings, and this also keeps the exploitation level low.

Trade Value: Mediocre (-1)

The Saraan are somewhat xenophobic and prefer to remain secluded and ignored by neighboring societies. The location they have chosen is also rather isolated. However the artistry of Saraan goods has created a small demand for them among the neighboring desert tribes and the societies they deal with.


Available domestic technologies, Available foreign technologies, Dominant material, Power sources and Manufacturing, Agricultural Technology, Building and Architecture, Transport, Communication, Military, Others, Techonogical History

Dominant Materials: Poor (-2) Aria: 5

Stone, Bone, Wood, Skins, Clay & Woven Cloth

Power Sources and Manufacturing: Poor (-2) Aria: 5

Animal power (domesticated animals), fermenting & distilling, soft metal industries, potter's wheel & advanced stoneworking techniques

Agricultural Technology: Poor (-2) Aria: 5

Animal husbandry & widespread cultivation, hoe, pit silos, primitive crop rotation & drainage

Building and Architecture: Poor (-2) Aria: 5

Stone structures, packed clay, sun-dried mudbrick & dry laid stone buildings with domed roofs. Masonry construction begins. Composite buildings of clay and wood, round & rectangular buildings, central hearth, thatch or reed roofs.

Transport and Communication: Poor (-2) Aria: 5

Constructed canoe, domesticated animals for transport, small sailing vessels, signalling (reflective or smoke)

Military: NONE (0)

The Saraan are a completely pacifist people. No military technology is studied or implemented in Saraan society.

Miscellaneous Average: Good (+1) Aria: 10

Illuminated / Illustrated manuscripts, early surgery, libraries, wind instruments, decorated glassware, astronomical calculations, elaborate mosaics, early paper, advanced mathematics, phonetic alphabet, woven cloth, village planning, high temperature clay firing, early stone weights (for measurment system), advanced jewellry design in soft metals.