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Celebrities and powerful figures in Qaiyorean History.

Movers and Shakers (1410):

  1. Hisinvol: only two years ago just another tribal leader, this remarkable man has managed to unite the majority of the Shanari people both in a common cause and, backed by the Alb-Shanari seeresses, in a new religion based on the divinity of Sin-Alb (Annaeyana). Proclaimed Alb'Sanouk by other tribal leaders, he led his Sinari warriors in the conquest of the Bel'Adne city of Sarnabar (re-named Kharouk i'Sin, the City of the All-Seeing Eye) last year and looks set to extend his power base in the near future.
  2. Duke Iyan: leader of the Crusader movement in Aryisa, this shrewd Asagmari politician has out-maneouvred all others to end up in control of the nation, vanquishing all opposing parties and undermining the power of the Regent, the designated ruler, in the process. His Crusader-led armies have conquered the Razanian kingdom of Canor and occupied much of Tesh, in preparation of a full assault on the remaining kingdoms, which is almost sure to come soon. Perhaps the singular great achievement of his time (though arguably begun by the Regent Alvar III) is the construction and subsequent extension of the celebrated Timber Veil.
  3. Maurilius Mendil: Videssian Political suffet, the man behind the pioneering Orasareni Defence Alliance, uniting all the Orasareni communities in a common military and economic bloc with the aim of reducing foreign (Taltherani, Celpali and Cedonian) influence and putting an end to the substantial pirate menace in southern Midsea.
  4. Agrigax: The hereditary King of Taltheran, this sharp-witted monarch has out-flanked and manipulated the Merchants Council and managed to have most of his wishes come to fruition. His pet project, the new port at Saltrim, is a resounding success, and his backing of the soon-to-be profitable trade expedition to the northwest (Hadrair, Wyr, Sarunor, Myr-Kun) can only add to his popularity. Last year's occupation of northern and central Tirmar has added a substantial number of new subjects and virtually doubled the size of the kingdom, and his avoidance of a confrontation with the Cedonians aids the stability of the entire region.
  5. Admiral Kattor: nautical genius extraordinaire, this Celpali mariner discovered the potentially lucrative trade route via the northern seas from Areneth to the Hria city of Bega and beyond. As leader of the expedition, he organised the initial contact with the Hria Sangha and realised the potential worth of gromura. The expedition opened up the hitherto unknown western coast of the continent, and made public (if only in Celpali social circles, for commerical reasons) the existence of Hria, Myr-Kun, Saraan, the continuing fllight of Annaeyana and the Twin Kingdoms.
  6. Talarikius Gavr: the Videssian Military suffet, this supreme tactician orchestrated the Videssian conquest of the lands beyond the Imbros river and spearheaded the campaign to exterminate the Onagir people. He also played a vital role in the capture and subsequent execution of the false Agatius Fossern.
  7. Empress Yzara: coming to power only three years ago, after the assassination of her father by parties unknown, this young ruler has extended the borders of her realm to incorporate territories last occupied over a hundred years ago, including the western parts of the Imperial Province (now simply called Cedonia), Selaria, Vizinia & southern Tirmar. In spite of the destruction of much of the capital of Thalcedon in an earthquake two years ago, the Cedonian Empire looks set to continue its' reclamation of former Imperial possessions.
  8. Shau'ri: ambitious member of the Hria Sangha, personally responsible for the current attempt to investigate the Northern Isles, and a prime-mover in the successful and popular improvement to sanitation facilities and internal road system in the realm.
  9. Laslo Fire Eyes: Priest-King of Parglug, founder of modern Parglug when he united the old country and the Torphani petty kingdom of Larasia just over twenty years ago. Now in his final years, Laslo nevertheless desires to pass on a powerful legacy to his nephew, the Holy Kreg, and continues to attempt to wrestle the vestiges of power from the remaining clan leaders.
  10. Mayor of Kaeir: the leader of the privateers of Celtehar, this un-named rogue continues to terrorize the sea-lanes of Midsea and incessantly conspires to expand his nefarious concerns.

Other notable mentions: King Rey-a-man (Celpalar), King Bar-ri (Celpalar), Ashanishade (Cormenaera), Proconsul Deraskin (Aixelsydan), Tarfn (Mir), Albemare (Tana), Queen Helga Orasari (Tanimbar), The Archmage (Mir), Lolbiral (Hria), The Sayyadin (Saraa), Ahlgren (Vraa'al).

Movers and Shakers (1421):

  1. Tarfn (Sinari)l:He killed the old Archmage of Mir and sent the countent runing in circles while he plotted and scimmed. He has brough half the content to war.
  2. Empress Yzara (Cedonia): coming to power only three years ago, after the assassination of her father by parties unknown, this young ruler has extended the borders of her realm to incorporate territories last occupied over a hundred years ago, including the western parts of the Imperial Province (now simply called Cedonia), Selaria, Vizinia, Zelkor & southern Tirmar. In spite of the destruction of much of the capital of Thalcedon in an earthquake two years ago, the Cedonian Empire looks set to continue its' reclamation of former Imperial possessions. She is also allied with Mir against the Sinari.
  3. Warlord Riacrada (Mir):She was the first woman to ever be excepted into the Brotherhood of Sorcery on Mir. She is desended from one of the few noble families still on Mir. She has helped to restor the lost Warmages and now leads the untied armies agains the Sianri invasion.
  4. Master Scourge Labon (Milakanur): He is a military geuins who has helped to some what stall the Sinari attack.
  5. Agrigax: The hereditary King of Taltheran, this sharp-witted monarch has out-flanked and manipulated the Merchants Council and managed to have most of his wishes come to fruition. His pet project, the new port at Saltrim, is a resounding success, and his backing of the soon-to-be profitable trade expedition to the northwest (Hadrair, Wyr, Sarunor, Myr-Kun) can only add to his popularity. Last year's occupation of northern and central Tirmar has added a substantial number of new subjects and virtually doubled the size of the kingdom, and his avoidance of a confrontation with the Cedonians aids the stability of the entire region. He has also driven out the Keair pirates, and now his coutry stands on the vearge of being invaded by the Sinari.
  6. King Villard (Burcancy): He has united The cities of East Torphan into one Kingdom and has struggled to be reconised as ruler of a united East Torphan. He has managed to make friends with his neighbors and has helped keep the Cedonians out of Tanimbar and has also managed to keep the Torphan Empire out of his country.
  7. Archmage Eubratosa (Mir): Apointed Archmage because their was no other choice. He has managed to prepare Mir for War. he has helped restore the Warmages and has also made a treaty with the Eerith and has helped to free them. He has also out manovered his council to the point he does not need their support any more. He has also restored the ancient royal family and the Crown of Mir.
  8. Seeresses Kala (Sinari): She has risen from the ranks of the Seeresses to know lead the largest army on the content.
  9. Rease (Eerith): The Shadow to Riacradsa he has helped to resotry the Mirish Warmages and is one of the few Eeriths that the Mirish deal with on a constant bassises.
  10. Duke Caladyn (Cedonia): Uncle to the Empress. He is the leader of the Cedonian force against the Sinari

Other notable mentions: King Rey-a-man (Celpalar), King Bar-ri (Celpalar), Pe-Aa (Milkanur), Opheir (Burcancy), Emperor Edeath (Torphan), Prince of the L'R (L'R), Tributary (Eerith), Valor(Eerith)