Rulers of Mir

The Northern King (2820 - 2752 BE)

2820 - 2801 BE Toshasa (I) the Great
2801 - 2763 BE Toshasa (II)
2763 - 2705 BE Dioya (I) the Uniter

Line of Kings (2752 - 921 BE)

2763 - 2705 BE Dioya (I) the Uniter
998 - 944 BE Loraces (XXI) The August
944 - 941 BE Loraces (XXII) The Monster
941 - 792 BE Dioya (XXVIII)(I) the Peaceful

Line of Royal Archmage (921 - 792 BE)

941 - 792 BE Dioya (XXVIII)(I) the Peaceful

Line of Emperor Archmages (721 - 72 BE)

792 - 601 BE Hondasy the Conqerer
601 - 419 BE Dioya (II)
419 - 336 BE Sharion (I)
336 - 150 BE Sharion (II)
150 - 90 BE Agatius the Traitor
90 - 72 BE Lorgrenes the Destoryer

Rule of the Council (72 BE - 1)

Line of Dictator Archmages (1 -1411)

1 - 250 Netra (I) the Iron Fist
250 - 548 Dioya (III)
548 - 877 Netra (II)
877 - 1156 Dioya (IV)
1156 - 1411 Netra (III) the Gental

Line of Celamyrsa Archmages - Kings (1412 - Present)

1412 - Present Eubrotosa