Environmental Notes

The wet season lasts for approximately 7 months, from mid spring, to mid autumn.

Regional Divisions

Hria is divided into three environments, and while there is some blurring of the lines of separation, the areas are fairly easily ascertained at a glance. All Mahla can be linked to one of the areas.


The Mahla are walled administrative centres, serving as monasteries, educational institutions, markets and garrisons. All Mahla follow a standard in that they are walled compounds, divided inside into two areas; one for use by everyone as a market and area to conduct other business, and one which is for use strictly by members of the Sangha. Inside the walls it is common to have several spires, the more spires indicating the importance of the Mahla in the national scheme. Outside the walls of the Mahla will develop a town, or in the case of Bega or Shalpath, a city. In addition to this, villages are also encompassed into one of the Mahla so that every settlement is under the control of a given Mahla. This is difficult to apply in the Eastern Foothills, where a sizeable part of the population is nomadic. The Mahla see to the collection of taxes and the distribution of goods from other areas. The Mahla also provide a senior initiate from their ranks to serve as a representative to the Inner Circle. The Mahla are as follows;

Bega- Acknowledged as the capital of Hria, it is also the home of the Inner Circle when in session. Sitting at the base of the cliffs, it's towers stretch far into the heavens, and is visible from many miles out to sea. Bega is on of only two Mahla which have entirely urban population, consisting of merchants, artisans, sailors and fishers. Many of the city's Initiates are involved of running the government, and the soldiers who serve as a guard for the J'ngk and members of the inner Circle also act as law enforcers. Population: 60,000.

Shalpath- The undisputed craft capital of Hria, the majority of the population are engaged in the growth, weaving and dyeing of silk, the crafting of jewellery, pottery, timber sculptures, prayer flags and hangings. Location: 50 miles upstream of Bega. Population: 35,000.

Ro- The nation's prime producer of pairo, it also grows fair quantities of shaka and silk. Location: 120 miles upstream from Bega. Population: 30,000 (6,000).

Gaula- One of the main producers of shaka. Location. North bank, inland. Population: 35,000 (2,000)

Shalol- One of the main producers of shaka and also some te'ngk. Location. North bank, inland, Population: 34,000 (1,500)

Nonya- One of the main producers of shaka and pairo. Location. 200 miles upstream of Bega. Population: 32, 000 (900)

Ykter- A main centre for te'ngk herders. Location. North bank, near the Eastern Foothills. Population. 31,000 (700)

N'grk- A main centre for te'ngk herders. Location: South bank, near the Eastern Foothills. Population:20,000 (800)

Kul- A major fishing and farming region. Location: Coast. Population 35,000 (2,500)

Bora- A major fishing and farming region. Location: Coast. Population: 33,000 (2,700)

Tere- The dry southern regions, producing te'ngk. Location: Far to the south. Population: 5,000 (1,200)

Myr- The home of those few acolytes who show real potential in magic, it exists solely for it's own benefit, with a very small population of non-Sangha. Location. Small, isolated inlet on the south coast. Protected by rocky cliffs and erratic tides. Population: 500 (100)

Biri- Major regional centre with mines and te'ngk herders Location: Mid way in the range. Population: 15,000 (2,000)

Tolshath- An isolated Mahla, used as a retreat by ageing initiates. Some Te'ngk herders also live there. Location: High in the ranges. Population: 5,000 (1,000)

Sfiri- A major mining and te'ngk herder centre, also with some fruit production Location: Northern range. Population: 13,000 (1,000).

Myl'te- A mining and herder centre, often a site of pilgrimage. Location. Source of the Bega river. Population: 12,000 (2,000)

Tora- Major regional centre, used for the processing and production of spices, dyes, oil, incense and fruit. Location: Inland. Population: 35,000 (5,000)

Maripai- Major fishing and spice gathering centre. Location North Coast. Population: 20,000 (4,000)

Gromura- Main growing and harvesting area of gromura, as well as other spices and incenses. Location: Near the coast. Population: 25,000 (3,000)

Samura- Main growing and harvesting area of samura, as well as other spices and incenses. Location: Near the Eastern Foothills. Population:17,000 (2,500)

Anora- far northern fruit and oil gathering centre. Location: Far north. Population: 12,000 (2,000)