Actions in Game Year 1427

Society Name: East Torphan


Action 1 & 2 - the Federation of the Inland Sea.
In light of theexcellent relations between Burcancy, Tanimbar and now Vieinia, King Villard suggests that these relations be formalized and expanded. A defense and free trade pact be created between the aforementioned societies. The proposed Federation will remain open to accept other societies in the future. While Vieinia has been quite enthusiastic, there has been some reluctance on the part of Tanimbar. More efforts will be concentrated in Tanimbar. And Parglur will also be asked to consider joining.
Prime Determinant: Secondary Philosophical Orientation (Conquest) All participants will be offered gifts in the right places and some early trade concessions. This will be concentrated in Tanimbar & Parglur. Tanimbar & Vieinia will also be approached about being trained by Burcancy Mages. Training was highly prized by Tanimbar. Approaching Parglur on this subject should be done more cautiously, their reaction is unknown. If Tanimbar or Parglur remain reluctant then a pact could be signed w/ Vieinia early.

King Villard's Authority: Superb
Action: Very Hard (-2)
+2 - Excellent Relations w/ Tanimbar and Vieinia
+1 - Free trade in each nation's interest
+1 - from +6 success w/ Vieinia
+1 - Double action

+3 -2 +3 (-1 -1 0 0) + () + () =

Both Parlug and Tanimbar are intrested but the sudden growth Burcancy out of opscurity has made them a little egde. Viennia is willing to sign something though.

Action 3 & 4
The Brotherhood Continue to Study the Development of War Mages
Action - Internal, Strategic (continued action from previous War Mage research but we will list this as yr. 6 of 10 (or more))
Secret Action

Mirish sorcerers finish training about 10 war mages. Further training could result in surrendering some potential control over the War Mages to the Mir or a potential clash of loyalties. And the King, the Opheir and the Brotherhood are reluctant to surrender control to anyone, even w/ their excellent relations with Mir & the potential marriage, the decision is made to use the trained mages, and the recent advancements in weather control magic to create an entirely new type of war mage, possibly able to create localized weather conditions of a battlefield or even create lightning bolts & other natural or weather related phenomenon in combat and out. Each of the 10 trained war mages will train other mages, so the new class of war mages will consist of 30 mages.

Actors: King Villard, Opheir, the Brotherhood
Objective: Training of War Mages
Type: Magical/Training
Secrecy: Yes (-1)
Difficulty: Very Hard (-2)
Prime Determinant: Secondary Philosophical Orientation Conquest (acquisition)
Magical Sophistication - Superb
+2 - Magical Sophistication (Superb)
+1 - previous war mage training
+1 - Extra Action

-1-2+1+2+1+1 (+1 +1 0 +1) + 1 + () + () + () + ()=

Their has been an amazing break though in the weather magic and the warmages are begining to calling themselves

Action 5 - More work on the fleet (Naval/Merchant) (yr. 5 of 5)

Merchant fleets the last year has seen several major breakthroughs in technology and skill levels of the fleet. The skills of the fleets of the world around them continue to grow as do the fleets themselves of other nations. The decision is made to continue the progress started. New ships will be built and old ones retrofitted w/ new technology. Training will continue of all sailors. Trading expeditions will be sent to all the known lands that can be reached and unknown territories are to be mapped. These are to be diplomatic missions.

Actors: King Villard, Parliament of Lords
Objective: Increase skills & technology of Navy & Merchant Fleet and subsequently Fighting Skills, Trade and Wealth/ Expansion of naval base on Tear Island
Type: Trade/Technology/Fighting
Secrecy: None
Difficulty: Hard
Prime Determinant: Secondary Philosophical Orientation - Acquisition (trade)
Technological Base: Metallurgic
Wealth: Good
Exploitation: Good
Resources: Good
Exports: include Iron, Timber (these resources are available for use)
-1 - extra action
+1 - Secondary PO - acquisition
+2 - Exploitation of Resources - Good/ Resources - Good/ Wealth - Good Naval (not merchant) construction to take place on Tear Island.
+ 1 to anything dealing with the fleet for the next five years. (5th of 5 yrs.)

-1 +1 +2 (-1 +1 -1 -1) + 1 + (+1 0 +1 -1) -1 +1 (+1 0 -1 +1) -1 + (+1 +1 +1 -1) -1 + (+1 0 0 -1) -1 = +2 Success

The navy is now complete and Burcancy now has one of the largest navies on Qaiyore.